Under Construction
Welcome to the Weldingclassroom.org website. This site is going to be a collection of content related to learning about welding and welding inspection. There is a great deal of content on the internet and this site will only be a small part of it. I hope to organize it in a manner that will help people learn about welding while developing their skills elsewhere. This content will combine existing content from my older sites (weldingdata.com and weldinginspectionsvcs.com) as well as new content. If you are interested in learning how to weld, the internet can help, but the most important thing you can do to learn how to weld, IS TO WELD.
The welding industry is constantly evolving, however much of the work that is going on in various industries involves processes that have been around for many years. I hope to develop this site and sister sites into a free resource for those people interested in increasing their knowledge in the area of welding and welding inspection.
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